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Huawei - Mobile Phones With 2K Screen

04/21/2016 12:17
The last two years Huaweijev attitude is that 2K screens on cell phones are unnecessary because the human eye does not notice the difference between HD and 2K resolution, and that such displays only unnecessarily raise the price of the device and further draining the battery. But how VR technologies knocked on the door, and the attitude of the company, or its chief executive Richard Yu significantly change.
Moreover Richard Yu has even announced that their next phone to have a display resolution of 2K. The main reason for this shift is that now no Huaweijev device is not able to offer support for VR technology, because all of the rows have screens up to HD resolution.
The only phone that has produced Huawei, which has a 2K screen, the Nexus 6P, but he is already more associated with Google than with Huawei. Richard Yu made the remarks by the Chinese social network Weibo, emphasizing once more that he personally last year would not get a cell phone with 2K screen, but that's certainly going to have such a screen, as he likes to VR.

